Collection: Digestion & Gut Health

Don’t Forget Your Gut! 

The gut has been recognised as being “our second brain” meaning good gut health can contribute to our overall health from immune system support, heart health, brain health, improved mood, energy levels, easy digestion, weight control and sleep. Lee Holmes (Founder of Supercharged Food) believes “It's clear that everything we consume goes through the gut. So when it’s clean and working efficiently nutrients and hydration are better absorbed”. A clean, healthy diet and drinking plenty of water will contribute to a healthy gut but there are other things we can do to help too.

Diatomaceous Earth 

Supercharged Food provide naturopathic grade, organic diatomaceous earth powder that helps clean waste build up, plaque, acids, fungus, bacteria and mucus in the digestive tract. This powder is packed with anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-finial and antiparasitic properties and is a gentle solution for anyone who is experiencing issues with their gut. The powder is easy to take, simply mix it with water and drink immediately. It has no taste so there’s nothing to put you off, they also offer Love Your Gut Diatomaceous Earth in capsule form if you prefer.  

Fulvic Humic Concentrate

These “super drops” are my new personal favourite. You simply add a few drops to your water (or juice) a few times a day so they are super simple to take. Supercharged Food’s FHC is a liquid food created from natural organic plant substances, composed of two minerals – Humus and Fulvic acid which are some of the  highest negatively charged minerals in the world! These minerals are believed to play an important role in healthy metabolism and the recycling of metabolic wastes. 

Intestinal Detox Program

Eden Healthfoods believe that “Detoxing is vital in removing toxic build up from the body”. They have a 2 week intestinal detox program which they recommend you participate in atleast once a year to ensure your bowel is working optimally.

Get Started With Week 1 - Cleanse, heal and strengthen your gut with the organic and wildcrafted herbal blend from Eden Healthfoods IDF#1 Gut D-tox Vege Caps. Effectively promotes better digestion, relieves gas and cramps. Plus increase bile flow for cleaner gallbladder, bile ducts and liver. 

How to Use: Achieved the desired result by taking 1 capsule everyday until desired effect is attained. A desired effect should be 2-4 movements of toothpaste-like consistency, not too runny, not too hard.

Welcome to Week 2 -IDF#2 Gut Dtox is made with a super fibre blend of clay, charcoal and pectin to remove mucus, plaque and promote optimum nutrient absorption. Seen as the ultimate intestinal vacuum as it removes old fecal matter, toxins, poison, bacteria and drug residues in your colon. Ideal for irritable bowel, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis and diarrhoea.

How to Use: Take 1 teaspoonful with 30 to 50 ml of pure juice or water in a jar with a lid. Shake and drink immediately. Take up to  5 or 6 times a day 

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