FES Flourish Formula Magenta Self Healer Spray 30ml

  • As a foundational remedy in any wellness program; helping the body-soul to move toward a deeper level of health
  • For recovery from any major illness or surgery, to access deeper reserves of self-healing capacity
  • When healing progress for any trauma or illness seems stagnant; helping to boost immune forces by stimulating greater body-soul integration
  • For deeper insight into any illness or trauma, moving beyond materialistic causes to deeper soul-spiritual realization
  • To help children bolster immune forces during key developmental stages, growth curves or typical childhood illnesses
  • For animals who need to access sustained healing forces during illness or after surgery or other trauma
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FES Flourish Formula Magenta Self Healer Spray 30ml

Flourish: To thrive and prosper; to achieve  success and fare well; to express with artistry and flare; to reach higher development and excellence. Latin: florire, flor (flower)

Flower essence therapy, founded by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, is based on the profound understanding of the vibrational healing properties of flowers. All cultures throughout the world cherish a soul language of flowers for expressing deeper forms of healing and sacred awareness. Flowers impart vibrational energy patterns of vibrant life force, expressive form, ethereal colour and beauty. They help the human soul to flourish by developing this same flowering capacity.

True to their name, the Flourish line of FES flower essence formulas is designed to achieve the highest potential of body-soul wellness. The Flourish line is the result of many years of research, involving plant studies, case reports submitted by practitioners around the world, clinical interviews, and extensive use in natural disaster relief. Most formulas, or their key components, have been used for more than a decade. Many formulas have been revised or re-named as research has developed.


Self-Heal – Resourcing one’s inner capacity for wellness by learning to listen to the body and take responsibility for health choices and lifestyle
Sierra Primrose – Joy and exuberance for life; helping the soul to recover and embrace the gift of life on earth – often connecting with the deepest memories of childhood and spiritual purpose prior to incarnation
Echinacea – Core immunity; integration of the Spiritual Self with bodily identity despite shattering or devastating life events; ability to say “I” at the deepest level of body and soul
Pedicularis – Soul memory and insight as a force of healing; ability to understand and accept karmic events from a wider spectrum of time and soul purpose
Love-Lies-Bleeding – Transformation of personal pain and illness; transcendent capacity of the heart; compassion gained through suffering
Helichrysum essential oil – Helping to resolve emotional trauma that continues to inflame both body and soul; anti-inflammatory that calms the heart and serves as a general catalyst for body-soul healing

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