Pantry Tips & Tricks

If you’ve been dreaming of Khloe Kardashian’s kitchen pantry, let us just say you’re not alone. There’s nothing quite as satisfying as a well stocked, well organised pantry that looks and feels luxurious. But is it achievable for the everyday household? Heck yeah it is. Let us take you through our guide to the ultimate pantry makeover that in turn will help you prioritise your nutrition and make all of your future house guests have some serious pantry envy.

Step 1 - The Clean Out

Set aside at a minimum one full day to tackle this project - we get it, that’s a lot of time. But for a healthy, organised pantry, it’s totally time well spent in our opinion. Pull everything out of your pantry and give all your shelves a deep clean. As you pull your items out, this is the perfect opportunity to do an audit on your pantry favourites. If there are some items you feel may not be serving you nutritionally, have a look in our nourishment category to see if we have a healthier alternative - we’re quietly confident we will. 

Step 2 - The Tools

Be ready to go with a bunch of jars in various sizes, baskets and/or containers, cute labels and some mini shelves and swizzles (so that you can easily see and access everything in your pantry). These items are easy to pick up from Amazon, Kmart, Ikea and Temple & Webster. Hot tip, if you want to give Khloe Kardashian a run for her money, make sure all your pantry pieces match. Begin putting your pantry items into your assorted jars etc. If you need some inspo - take a trip down the Pinterest pantry organisation rabbit hole - see you on the other side.

Step 3 - The Placement

Pop your pantry items into categories on your counter and then visualise where you want them to go before commencing the restock. Before you start to refill your pantry, be strategic with your placement and pop the things you want to encourage you and your household to eat the most at the front. For example, if you are wanting to increase snacking on apples over chips, pop the basket of fruit front and centre and the basket of chips semi out of sight. Bonus points are up for grabs here when colour coordinating your items.

Step 4 - The Maintenance 

Maintaining your new and super stylish pantry should be a breeze now that you have an organised system, but don’t forget to rotate stock. When you buy more of an item, say canned tomatoes for example, bring the old canned tomatoes to the front and pop the new ones at the back. Keeping a loose plan for weekly meals is also key. Doing this will mean your pantry doesn’t end up with items collecting dust and going beyond their use by date.

Now you are ready to go with your pantry makeover (you did great sweetie!), all that’s left to do is tackle the fridge.