Compare Omega Juicers in Australia

Compare Omega Juicers in Australia
Omega Juicers is perhaps the world’s best known brand of Cold Pressed juicers. Having started its life back in the 1980’s way before any of the other brands you see today had even been thought of.
That’s why Love Your Health Australia is so proud to have been appointed as one of the brand’s Australian official retail partners.
This means that when you are buying an Omega Juicer from us you are buying it from the Australian source, backed by Australian Warranties.
We are often asked “Which Juicer is right for me?” So in this blog we are going to explain the differences and give our opinion on which machine is suitable in certain situations.
Firstly we will explain the difference between the Horizontal Juicer and the Vertical Juicer.
Single gear Cold Pressed Juicers started life in the horizontal design over 50 years ago. Originating from Korea, they were wonderful all rounders, great at juicing things such as celery, leafy greens, apples, carrots and pretty much anything you place through them.
Most horizontal juicers come with extra attachments that allow them to also become Living Food Processors.
Vertical Juicers first appeared in 2005, again Korean these machines were introduced as a newer, sleeker looking machine with the mass market in mind.
Originally a little clumsy in operation they have been refined over the years to what you see in the market today. Designed with the user in mind the vertical Juicers are a little quicker to operate than the horizontal juicers, they will make you a wonderful nutrient dense juice but perhaps lack a little of ability with leafy greens in comparison to the horizontal models.
In Australia in September 2019 there are currently 11 Omega Cold Pressed Juicers available with more new models planned to arrive in 2020.
Horizontal Models Prior to January 2020 include
Omega J8227 / Omega J8228 / Omega NC802HDS / Omega NC902HDS / Omega Cube 302S
New Horizontal Juicers for 2020
Omega NC1002HDC – Launched January 2020
Omega MM900 – Launched June 2020
Vertical Models prior to January 2020 include
Omega VSJ843RS / Omega MMV702 / OmegaVRT352S / Omega VRT402S / Omega 372S / Omega 382C
Next we are going to break down comparisons under categories that we are asked about most often.
Which Juicer is best for Juicing Celery?
Thanks to promotion via the Medical Medium the world has gone Celery juice crazy. In 2019 the most asked question has been “Which juicer makes the best Celery Juice?”
From us the answer is always the same. Stick to a horizontal juicer.
All are very capable in this department, it’s a case of choose which model suits your style and budget the best.
In June 2020 we have launched the Medical Medium recommended MM900 model. This machine is optimised for Celery
Vertical Juicers in our experience tend to struggle a little with the stringy nature of Celery and it can get clogged up around the auger and in the holes from which the juice passes through.
Which Juicer is BPA Free?
All Omega Juicers come with BPA free parts, both the horizontal and vertical juicers. The juicing bowls are made from Tritan plastic whilst the black plastic Augers are made from Ultem.
You can learn more about these materials here
The screens that the juice passes through are made from Stainless Steel.
Which Juicer is the fastest?
Speed is not something you necessarily wish for in a Cold pressed juicer, however there are differences in each model.
As years have passed, Juicer manufacturers have looked at ways to improve the juice that their machines create and also improve the users experience.
For those of you that are keen to make a cold pressed juice without the hassle of firstly preparing your fruits and vegetables ie chopping then we recommend the MMV702 Wide mouth juicer. This machine has an 7.5cm wide chute and will fit a full golden delicious apple down its chute, without the need to cut it into pieces first.
Clean up on the MMV702 is also quick with its 2 cleaning tools that come inside the box.
Juicing Leafy Greens
If you wish to make a lot of leafy green juices, wheatgrass, spinach etc then stick to a horizontal juicer. The J8228 , NC1002HDC and Cube models will do this perfectly well.
Juicing Ability
Both the Vertical and Horizontal juicers make great juices. The amount of juice that comes out between the two is quite similar, however you will notice that many vertical juicers come with strainers that sit over the top of the juice collecting bowls. This is because often a vertical juicer will add a little extra pulp to your juice.
Can it make more than just juice?
Omega horizontal Juicers have always come with extra attachments. By simply changing the strainer from the Juicing one to Mincing one, your juicer becomes a living food processor. You will be able to make nut butters, baby food, sauces, sorbets, noodles, pasta and more.
The Omega MMV702 Wide mouth model comes with 2 extra attachments inside the box. One allows you to make Sorberts and the other allows you to make smoothies.
Why do the Warranties all differ?
Omega Juicers are known for their quality. Thanks to the slow RPM that the motor moves at, the machines are sure to last a long time, their moving parts do not wear out quickly and this creates the confidence to offer the long warranties.
Omega do not introduce models for the sake of it, their machines are introduced globally and are not replaced or discontinued regularly.
So this is why the newer models may come with longer warranties, it is because Omega are confident in their products ability to last the test of time. Feedback from customers is used to improve their machines over the years.
Please note however, long warranties are not always an indication of a product’s quality. Some brands offer warranties as a way to get you to buy. Always ask, “How long has the brand actually been around for? Will they still be around in 10 years time?”
Are there any machines you don’t recommend?
All Omega juicers are excellent at what they do. After researching your purchase depending on what kind of juice you will make most often, we are positive you will be happy with your choice. Simply due to the way technology evolves we believe that Omega machines have improved with time. Some of the earlier Vertical Juicers namely the VRT352, VRT402, VRT372 or VRT382, are now surpassed in ability. We do not believe they compare in performance to the MMV702 or the VSJ843RS
However if you are happy to make simple juices such as Apple, Carrot and Ginger then these older models may suffice.
Best Value for money??
Based on ability and price we would definitely recommend the Omega J8228 or NC1002HDC in the Horizontal category.
For Vertical models we have been so impressed with the latest MMV702 machine due to its ease of use and quick cleaning.
All 3 of these machines make wonderful cold pressed Juice.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us, either by email or by phone on 0288800749