5 Ways you can reduce your plastic waste
Every July we are reminded about the world’s over reliance on all things plastic.
Our family makes a conscious effort to collect the plastic waste we spot at our local beach, but in reality that’s not enough to make a huge difference.
It’s estimated that every year 8 million metric tonnes of plastic arrive in our oceans and sadly this is not a new issue. 150 million metric tonnes are already floating.
With it being no plastic July we are keen to share some ideas on how you can improve your plastic footprint.
Here are 5 small changes you can make today that will make a difference
500 Million Plastic Straws are used EVERY day in the USA.
That is 500,000,000 straws every day. We shudder to think of how many are used everyday in China, which has recently stopped receiving the world’s plastic trash to recycle.
Thankfully there are other options.
2 of the brands we offer have reusable straws available both Cheeki and Klean Kanteen
Coffee Cups
In a country that loves its Coffee its no wonder that we use a shocking amount of disposable coffee cups every year. It’s estimated that we use 1 billion cups every year. That is nearly 2,800,000 cups Every Day. Where do they all go?
We love to start the day with a fresh coffee, however we would not be seen without our Cheeki reusable coffee cup. If we are not making our coffee at home then we are keen to try and save 50c at the local coffee shop who offer this discount to those that do not use a throw away cup.
We all do it, most of us at least twice a day. But what happens to the brush once you replace it? Which most of us do every 3 months.
In the US 1 billion toothbrushes are discarded each year. Undoubtedly they contribute heavily to the 5 trillion pieces of plastic that are currently floating in our oceans.
One option for those of you wanting to make a difference is to switch to a Bamboo Toothbrush and we have just the one by Natural Toothpaste favourite Grants.
Lunch Boxes
How full is that bin under your desk at work?
One option to reduce your waste is to start using a reusable lunch box not made from Plastic. How about a lunchbox that will get your colleagues asking where you shop?
These stylish Stainless Steel models by Cheeki are made from food grade stainless steel so the other added bonus is that they will last for ages.
Dinnerware and Cutlery

Our family is in love with the outdoors, especially picnics at the local parks or by the beach. Sadly the bins around us are often filled with items that have been used once and tossed away without thought.
One option for us all is to reuse the bowls, plates and cutlery that we take with us when we dine out. EcoSoulife have an award-winning range of sustainable household items, many of which are made from Bamboo and are a perfect swap for those cheap throw away plastic items.